To do any recipe-related modifications, use the Recipe Admin page. It will either be located in your WebAdmin top navigation menu or some other easy to find location for your workflow:
Once on the Recipe Admin page, you'll see a series of tabs to interact with the various parts of the recipe system:
Recipes - each recipe has a unique identifier as well as a friendly name for use by operators and users
Recipe Types - used to filter recipes for a given machine so that only the relevant recipes show up in the OpStation or other entry interfaces
Limit Groups / Color Groups - recipe-specific ways to highlight information in dashboards and reports
Categories - the value-store for recipe specific parameters; examples are things like rated speed, chemical composition, weight, etc
Components - how the categories should be grouped for the different outputs of the machine; examples are the cavities on a press or just one component for the whole machine
Component Categories - the setup page for linking the categories to their components, setting which categories are required versus optional
Import / Upload File - automated interface for uploading Excel representations of recipes; advanced users only
Editing Existing Recipes
First, find the recipe in the dropdown under the Create/Edit Recipe tab. You can start typing the name or key to find what you're looking for. In the below example, we typed FF into the dropdown and the list began filtering only those recipes containing FF:
Once you find the recipe you're looking for, click it and then click the Load Recipe button to the right. The recipe will load, as shown below:
Scroll down to see the various components and their category values. The current category values are displayed to the right of the entry boxes, where you can update the values.
Once done editing, simply click the Save Recipe button. Any success or error messages will appear at the top once the operation is complete!