New Sample Cards are available via the ~/CreateSample.aspx page, usually available in the top navigation as New Sample.
The purpose is to allow multiple samples to be created for a given sample type, prompting for the necessary information to create the sample and generate the Log Id.
Sample Fields
Most of the fields come from the sample, which are explained in the Samples knowledge base article.
Additional Fields
Text to add to Log Id
This is free entry text that is appended to the Log Id after generation. So an example Log Id of TEST191203 would be TEST191203-AAA if the text entered into the field was AAA.
Sample Information
Any sample information marked as required will appear as a list with their default values populated and editable.
Testing Groups
Tests that have been placed into a group will appear after the sample information. This is intended for tests with values required at sample creation but don't always have fixed default values.
Creating Multiple Samples
Each card represents a sample to be created. By default, only 1 card is shown. Simply enter the number of cards to work with, then click Create New Sample Cars. This will provide an updated view of that number of cards in the selected sample type. The sample type of each card can be changed later.
If you create more sample cards than samples you intend to actually create, simply uncheck the selection box in the upper right of the unneeded cards.
Once you've finished entering the needed data, click the Save Samples Below button to actually create the samples in DATS. You'll see the following popup upon completion:
Each Log Id is a link to the sample details page because the recommended workflow is to open each sample in a new tab!