The admin interface is provided at ~/LabAdmin/EquipmentTypeAdmin.aspx and available by navigating to Lab Equipment then clicking the link to Equipment Type Admin.
A short description of the equipment type. For an example, a lab may have several scales made for the same range of weight so the equipment types are "Scale 0 to 100lb" and "Scale 0 to 1lb" to differentiate them.
Free form text to provide further detail on the equipment type.
Limit Type
For usage based limits (calibrate every 100 uses) the type is Count. For time based limits (calibrate every 6 months) the type is Date.
Limit Information
This is the limit past which an equipment within the equipment type is considered out of calibration.
Notification before limit is reached
This is the warning notification before an equipment is considered out of calibration. Set it within the limit.
Contact Group
The contact group that will be notified when either the limit or notification limit is reached.