DbUp Functionality in Plant Focus Next

Plant Focus Next looks for sql scripts in the DBUPScripts directory located at ~/Areas/EagleSafetySite/DBUPScripts. It then compares this to scripts logged in the tblCompletedScripts table in the database.

If a script is not showing up on the DbUp page it may have the wrong filename format. The format is as follows ‘<2 digit number>_<YYYYMMDD>_<Description with out special characters or numbers>.sql’.

For example: 01_19990101_DescriptionHere.sql

The first two digit numbers are important because it will ensure the scripts will run in order from 00-99. To decide which number to use for the script. If two numbers match, the earlier script date will run first. This is the same conventions used by PlantFocus, for more details on what the two digits to use reference the documentation here: https://support.productiondata.com/display/PlantFocusKB/DBUp+Integraton