_Plant Focus API - 3rd Party Integration

Requesting a DOR Item Value

Root Syntax of Get Request


Required Additional Parameters

  • Formula

    • Plant Focus specific formula for requesting an item. 

    • Example: m1000

  • sWhere

    • Specifies the query where clause to receive specific date time data. 

    • Two variables can be used

      • dt for the date and time of the DOR item entry

      • Value for recorded value of the DOR items

    • Example: dt > ' 9/12/2019 09:00:00.000'

  • CustomerName

    • Specifies which customer data store that the data will be pulled from.

    • Example: Davenport

Example Call 

https://ccapitest.productiondata.com/api/dor/5F48BE11-1EC2-444E-9C29-4C43D476236F/GetDORItem?formula=m12&sWhere=dt > ' 9/12/2019 09:00:00.000'&CustomerName=Davenport

Updating or Inserting a DOR Item Value

Root Syntax of Post Request


Required Additional Parameters

  • PLCid

    • Value will denote the specific PLCid of the DOR item that will have the value updated or inserted

    • Example: 1000

  • Value

    • Numeric value to be updated or inserted

    • Example: 2.1234

  • Datetime

    • Date and time of the item to be updated or inserted

    • Example: 09-12-2019 08:00:00.00

  • CustomerName

    • Specifies which customer data store that the data will be pulled from.

    • Example: Davenport

Example Call 

https://ccapitest.productiondata.com/api/dor/5F48BE11-1EC2-444E-9C29-4C43D476236F/PostDORItem?plcid=12&value=12345&datetime=09-12-2019 08:00:00.000&CustomerName=Davenport

Updating or Inserting a Manual Entry Item

Root Syntax of Post Request

Required Additional Parameters

  • PLCid

    • Value will denote the specific PLCid of the DOR item that will have the value updated or inserted

    • Example: 1000

  • Value

    • Numeric value to be updated or inserted

    • Example: 2.1234

  • Date

    • Date item to be updated or inserted

    • Note: Even if a time is sent with the date the end point will update the time to 00:00:00 
    • Example: 09-12-2019

  • CustomerName

    • Specifies which customer data store that the data will be pulled from.

    • Example: Davenport

Example Call 


Special API Response Messages 

  • Invalid API Key
    • The API Key in the URL is not present or returning invalid
    • Check API Key is present and correct
  • Invalid Customer Identifier
    • CustomerName in the URL is not present or returning invalid
    • Check that CustomerNameis included in call and accurate