Reporting errors from Plant Focus

Reporting errors from Plant Focus


At times, end users may experience errors due to factors beyond their control.  Plant Focus attempts to capture the error and provide a reason for software errors. 

It is important to capture the Plant Focus error codes as detailed below.  In this article, we will look at 4 types of errors users may encounter and the relevant data to capture and pass along to your IT support team or to support@plantfocus.com.

4 Types of error messages:

1. Security violations - this error type occurs when a user does not have sufficient security access to a page from their Plant Focus account.

2. Performance errors - this error type occurs when a computer or network resource has an problem with processing a request.

3. Navigation errors - this error type occurs when the page hierarchy is broken or if it contains broken links.

4. System error - this error type occurs when a combination of circumstances exist that do not allow a server process to complete.

Capture the Plant Focus error messages

When Plant Focus encounters an error for any reason, it attempts to retain as much data as possible.  There are 4 key data elements that you should include to your local IT/Admin team or forward to the Plant Focus support team to expedite fixing the issue. 

The easiest and most efficient way is to screen capture the entire page and attach it to your email to support. 

It is dependent upon the end user capturing these at the time of error.  Before you navigate away from the error page, capture the data displayed! 

The following details are essential to helping best resolve the issue that triggered the error message:

  1. Date and time of the error.
  2. Describe what you were doing when the error occurred!
  3. Capture the URL in the webpage address bar.
  4. Capture the unique ID from the error message