This name is created using the Log Generator and is intended to pack as much information about the sample into a single identifier. Because every lab has a different way of doing the sample naming, the generator is flexible enough to accommodate any scenario. For default generator configurations, see the Log Generator knowledge base page.
Sequential Identifier
The type of sample this represents. See Sample Types for more information.
Date Created
The timestamp of the sample being created in DATS.
The source of the sample - where it was taken or the origin of the material being analyzed. See Sources for more information.
Sample Received
The timestamp of the sample being checked into the lab.
Free text entry for administrators to communicate the reasons for exclusion.
Sample Information
Configurable fields for storing information about the sample that isn't an analysis. For a breakdown of adding sample information, please see the knowledge base article.
When a sample is created, all the required tests for that sample type are attached to the sample as analyses.