SOP and Safety Site
The framework for a Safety site will be setup for you to populate. There will be a customizable tabular display at the top of this module. Users can change the background color and the names for each tab. When logged in as the admin of this module, there is a “edit” button on each page. This allows the user to modify the content under each tab.
Each tab has a title bar at the top followed by a divider line under it.
The options for this content will be split into 4 different templates.
Under each template the user can add any content from within a visual text editor and/or setup pictures and links to documents. Anytime the information is added or changed, it is saved with a date-time stamp and the user that did it.
There is an “upload file” location for this module to easily allow the user to upload a document and it will give them the HTML code to be pasted onto the page so they can locate links to user supplied documents much easier and format them with appropriate link names instead of the document name or raw URL.
Template 1)
There are links, text, and/or small pictures on the left hand side. These links populate the right half of the page. Depending on which link is selected, the user sees the appropriate content. This content can be pictures, text, videos, and/or visual text editor or any one of the other templates.
Template 2)
This is for a “News” section. The user can add as many news links as they want on the news template. There
can be numerous news pages.
Template 3)
Sortable link grid. The user specifies how many columns the grid will have. The user can add numerous documents within this list by the standard upload feature, or link to already existing documents. Each has a friendly name and the links to where the physical file is. Users can add any text, date, or numeric values to any of the grid columns they select. Such as a brief description for each document and a date selector the user can decide to use this for date document is updated or when it is posted, or when it expires. These document items are searchable by title and by content within it if there is text deciphered saved within it.
Template 4)
Searchable items. User can search 100% of the data within the site. This includes searchable documents, notes, names of pictures and documents, raw text from the content of any page.
Module 1)
This is a quick look at the appropriate news section. This displays the most recent 5 “News” items for the selected “News” page order.
Module 2)
This insert displays the 2 pieces of information that update from the main page of Plant Focus. They are “Lost
Time Accident Free Days”, and “Days since medical aid.”