_Plant Focus Modules

  • Automated Data Collection and Daily Operating Reports

    • Real Time Data Collection from Equipment

    • Configurable Reports Updated in Real Time

    • Daily, Monthly, Yearly Summaries

    • Trending Graphs and Data Tables

  • Recipe System

    • Target and parameter tracking system based upon automatic or user selected recipes

  • Downtime Reporting

    • Data Entry – Automatically Prompted for Downtime Events

    • Graph Reports and Data Tables

    • Summary & Detailed Reports

  • Shift Reports

    • Simple to Create Data Entry Forms

    • Capture Text, Dates, Values

    • View Data in Report Form or Data Tables and Graphs

  • Daily Instructions

    • Leave Instructions by Area

    • Request or Require Acknowledgements

  • Coaching and Secure Chat

    • Shift Lead securely communicate with operators

    • Customized metrics for user and shift scoring

  • DATS Lab Data Management

    • Full Sample History

    • Automatically Import data from Instruments

    • Analyze Data Graphically

  • Lab Data Viewer

    • Import lab data from existing lab data management system

    • Display data in easy to access web page format

  • Machine Module

    • Bolt on PLC, sensors and enclosure to pull data from legacy equipment

  • Operator Station

    • Touch Screen interface for user input

  • Optimization Reporting

    • Daily Averages, Standard Dev, Upper/Low Limits and Targets

  • Combo Reports

    • Bring data from all modules together

  • Accounting Integration

    • Import of Production Orders

    • Automated Export of Production Information

    • Realtime Manual Adjustments

  • Real Time Analytics

    • Real Time Displays of Production Data

    • Customizable dashboards and view sets

  • Safety/SOP/Training Web Sites

    • Self-Serve Website Providing Easy Access to Documents

  • Near Miss, Safety Tracking System

    • Injury Illness, Near Miss, Equipment Damage

    • MSHA and OSHA compliance

  • Alarm Generation, Management and Alerts

    • Display Equipment Alarms

    • Summarize Alarm Data

    • Email and SMS Customizable Notifications

  • Environmental Reporting

    • Auto Generated Reports

    • Digital Signatures

    • Method 9 and 22

    • Opacity Event Tracking and Remediation

  • Work Order Tracking

    • Create Work Orders Assigned to Equipment, Groups of Users, etc

    • Automatically Generated PM’s

    • Track Parts Usage

  • ProForms Prepared Input

    • Replaces Paper end Excel Processes

    • Auto Prompt Based on Schedules or Customizable Events

  • Plant Hazards

    • Realtime Data Entry to Track Plant Hazards

    • Accessible to Everyone

    • 24/7 Live Dashboard Display

  • Safe Work Permit

    • Contractor Sign In

    • Supervisor and Control Room Sign-Off

    • 24/7 Live Dashboard Display of:

      • Contractors On-Site and Their Location

      • Equipment Safe to Operate or Not

  • Near Miss, Injury Incident Safety Tracking System

    • Track near miss, injury incident, property damage, citations and vehicle incidents

  • Action Items

    • Conduct root cause analysis

    • May require multiple users to sign off for completion

  • Document Locator

    • Searchable Versioning Document Management System

  • Multi-Lingual Version

    • Text Editor for All Pages and Content

  • User and Security Management

    • Active Directory Integration

    • Customizable one-to-many Group and Role Security

  • Multi-Site integration for customizable comprehensive reporting