Downtime acronym NCOD, NSFI, Total-I

Downtime acronym NCOD, NSFI, Total-I

NCOD = Number of consecutive operating days.

This is the number of days that the system has been operational prior to the selected END date.

  • If a facility operated non-site from 2/14 - 3/14 and then was offline.

    • When the user runs the report on 2/28 it would show NCOD of 14, from 2/14 - 2/28

    • When the user runs the report on 3/30 it would show NCOD of 0.

NSFI = Number of stops for incident

This is the total number of “incidents” that were “count as stop = yes” between the start and end dates. Only when the START of the downtime event occurs in the selected timeframe. If an event was down before the START date, it does not count.

Total-I, is the sum of all incidents

EI + MI + PI.

IE: 87 = 15+27+45