Find below the user-facing changes in each version of DATS! New features, visual changes, bug fixes, and performance improvements galore.
Version 22.1.1
Preconfigured Reports based on PDF Templates have an audit trail when viewed in non-preview mode. The audit contains a snapshot of the underlying data and the final outputs to the template, including all request-related data. To see available history, find the link in Lab Admin → Report History.
Version 22.1.0
Lab equipment can have documents attached to them. The document types are set at the Equipment Type level, and then each equipment will have a version of that document type. Examples are SOPs, calibration documents, references, etc.
Lab Equipment can now be configured to have maintenance needs in addition to the normal Calibration requirements. Optionally, the lack of action can prevent usage of the equipment in analyses.
Target Masters can be configured multiple ways based on the sample types, sources, tests, and target levels you want to display
Analysis results can optionally highlight the background instead of the result text. This is for live views, analyze samples, and the individual sample pages.
Added footer information for version
Added header information for site name
Samples created for midnight using the new sample cards now accurately reflect the date if they are created after 11p
Added button to return to the DataImport page after creating a sample using an input file instead of always opening the created sample for editing.
Page load times improved (some as much as 80%) after a lot of really boring work you don't care about