Sample Types

Sample Types


See the ~LabAdmin/ManageTypes.aspx page in your DATS instance, typically available via the Lab Admin menu.


The name will show up on all pages as the general descriptor of the type. Choose something that packs the maximum information into the smallest space.


The description field is for explaining more than can be conveyed in the name of the sample type. Usually it appears as a tooltip in DATS interfaces and as footer information in DATS reports.

Control Type

Each sample type can have a control sample type associated with it. Samples in the given type then can be linked to samples in the control type, which is useful when performing adjustments to analyses that have standard drift, for example. For more information, see the Control Type knowledge base article.

Has Custom View & Custom View Folder

Custom views are a powerful way to present DATS data to end users can replicate existing forms. The typical sample view can get quite lengthy with a large number of tests, so condensing them into a custom view is the solution. The custom view folder is the server location where these views can be found. For more information, see the Custom View knowledge base article.

LogId Generator

There are many ways to generate a sample identifier and they are all specific to the lab and material being used. Based on the information available at sample creation, any scheme can be implemented in DATS. For default available generators, see the knowledge base article on LogId Generator.


Based on the following configuration, DATS will adjust the CompositeStart time of a sample upon creation. By default, DATS uses the CurrentHour option.

  1. CurrentHour - the minutes are removed and the CompositeStart is the top of the current hour
  2. NextHour - the minutes are removed and the CompositeStart is the top of the next hour
  3. PreviousHour - the minutes are removed and the CompositeStart is the top of the previous hour
  4. None - the current time is used

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