Document Management
- Optional = Documents are stored on a file server that is at a physically different location than the web server.
- The file server will have IIS installed on it and granted read-only access to those files within its structure.
- A service account will run a ProductionData service on the file server, it will have read, copy, move, rename, and delete privileges for the directory structure being shared.
- SQL server is available for use at the file server location.
- A new service will be created and installed on the file server. This service shall:
a) Read the entire file and folder structure on the file server for the directory’s specified.
b) Populate data to the local SQL server.
c) Capture each file’s:
- MD5 sum
- Full URL to file
- Local file name and location
- Creation Date
- Modified Date
d) Replicate this data back to the central SQL server.
e) Rename file, Copy to new location, verify MD5’s match, remove old file.
f) Delete folders that are blank
- An additional webpage will be added to the Current Plant Focus Site
a) This page will populate with data from the file server’s service.
b) The data will be in 3 parts.
- Permanent file structure
- Old File Structure
i. This structure when emptied will not display on the page - Old File Structure without file details
i. This structure when emptied will not display on the page
ii. This is the old structure that is unable to be linked up with files information provided
c) The permanent file structure will allow the user to select limiting criteria from drop down menus. These menus are populated from a pre-determined list that can be modified. These items are:
- Main areas of the plant
- Area’s subcomponents
- Document Type
- Sub Document Type
d) The user can perform a text search and indicate which fields to search for the specific text in. Examples of some of the options are:
- Folder Name g. File Name
- Number h. Drafter
- Source i. Title
- Area j. Equipment Number
- File Status k. User’s Favorites
- File Comments l. File Ranking
e) When a field is selected, it will populate next to the file names and can be used to sort
f) When displaying the users search results, they can be displayed in 2 forms.
- File structure tree view
g) File and folder name listing
h) Next to each item displayed on the page will be:
- Its user selected status if present.
- An edit button (if the logged in user has rights to do so)
- A Review button
- An Add to my favorites button
- Popularity of the file based upon number of time it has been accessed
- Rating of the file from 0 to 5 stars from user feedback
i) The files displayed can be sorted by rating, location, name, or popularity.
j) When a user edits a file, they can:
- Rename file with a set of drop down menus to help determine the file name
- Select the appropriate file destination to move to
k) When a privileged user reviews a file, they can:
- Indicate the drafter of the document, source, area, title and version
- Document Type
- Add comments
- Rate the file up to 5 stars
- Add the file to the users favorites
- Rate its status as
- Accurate
- Inaccurate
- File needs update
- Obsolete file
l) When a standard user reviews a file, they can:
- Add comments
- Rate the file up to 5 stars
- Add the file to the users favorites
m) Any data supplied previous to going live with the system will be put in place to update the files details, such as the title, source, drafter, number and date of the old file structure.
n) When a file is moved with this web interface, all the details and comments of the file will travel with it
o) When users first view the File and Document Management page, they will be shown a listing of their personally selected favorite documents.
p) When clicking on a link of a file, it will prompt the user to “Save As” or “Open” the file, this is simply a download link to a file on the file server.
Select an item in the list by clicking on it and you will see its details and a link to the file.