Operator Station - OpStation

Operator Station - OpStation

The Operator Station allows for real time data entry and data metrics for line operators. Some features include: downtime reconciliation, scrap entry, manual entry, recipe changes, job changes, and quality inspections. The Operator Station is deployed on an industrial strength touch screen computer inside of our a Production Data Machine Module, allowing for not only data entry but also data collection in one solution. The Operator Station's mechanisms for displaying data metrics/data collection is customizable to meet each customer's needs and provides an increase to the operator's efficiency, enhanced data integrity, and real time feedback.

Each Operator Station communicates over a local network connection to the Plant Focus API that is hosted on the Production Data On-Site Collector. This allows the Operator Station to pull in its configuration, real time data, and post updates. The collected data from the On-Site Collector is then synced to the remote Plant Focus database to be utilized. Since the Operator Station is utilizing a local network to communicate there is no downtime due to internet connectivity loss. The On-Site Collector, as well as the Operator Station, will continue to function as normal and when connectivity is restored the data sync will be reconciled between the On-Site Collector and the remote Plant Focus database.

Basic Operation

The Operator Station requires a user login before data entry can begin. Seen in "A" above, this demo client has general operator roles but this can be customized to include each employee, allowing for collection of per employee metrics. Each login will be assigned a personal PIN that can be edited through Plant Focus administration. 

In section "B" there are four quadrants available for the display of metrics that are completely customizable to provide real time feedback to the operator. In this instance, the operator can verify the shift times, the current recipe, the last downtime occurrence on the machine, and metrics about machine performance. However, this can be customized to include any available metric that an operator finds useful to performing their job function.

Once a user has logged in the available functions inside of the Operator Station will now be visible, seen in "A" above. Not all of these options may be used by every customer but are available and are toggled on/off in the station configuration. 

  • Inspection - quality inspections are configured to fit the customers needs and are arranged at configured times. The indicator of (+1) tells the operator that there is currently one outstanding inspection that needs to be reconciled. This number will increase as needed, when the operator selects the inspection the Operator Station will work from the oldest outstanding first and then work towards the most current. 
  • Scrap Entry - an entry screen where the operators can enter customizable items about the scrap associated with the line. Typical items could include pre-run, post-run, whole pieces as an example. 
  • Manual Entry - an entry screen where operators can enter customizable items pertinent to the business. 
  • Recipe - allows for changing of the current recipe running by selecting from available recipes from Plant Focus. This can also be toggled to a 'job based recipe' mode where the user would select a job instead of a recipe if that is applicable to the business. 
  • Last Downtime - allows users to view the previous downtime and add additional comments if needed after the downtime is reconciled. 
  • Logout - takes the operator back to the login screen to allow for another operator to log in. 

Scrap Entry

On the scrap entry screen the operator will be able to reconcile scrap information. In "A" above we see a list of the available parts associated with this station, each part can be assigned customized scrap information for the operator to enter. The part may also have an image associated with it for operator ease of identification, in this demo we see the default placeholder image of the two cogs. In "B" we see the customized entry for the selected part. In this instance there is a configured "Pre-run Scrap", "Text Entry", and "Post-run Scrap" available to the operator. However, these options can be customized to what is desired from the business. Once the operator is complete, they will select the "Done" button and be returned to the main screen.

Manual Entry

On the manual entry screen the operator will be able to reconcile business specific information that is pertinent to production. In "A" above we see a list of available parts associated with this station, each part can be assigned customized manual entry information for the operator to enter. The part may also have an image associated with it for operator ease of identification, in this demo we see the default placeholder image of the two cogs. In "B" we see the customized entry for the selected part. In this instance there is a configured "Actual Parts Produced", "Text Entry", and "Number of Pallets" available for the operator. However, these options can be customized to what is desired from the business. Once the operator is complete, they will select the "Done" button and be returned to the main screen.


The recipe screen allows the operator to change the current recipe running on the machine. Current recipes that are associated with the Operator Station the employee is using is listed in a scroll-able window in "A" above. If the operator knows which recipe they would like to choose they may begin searching for the recipe name in "B" above and the list of recipes will narrow to match the search terms. The current recipe will be noted in "C" above so that the employee can verify what is currently selected for the machine.

Last Downtime

After a downtime has been reconciled by the operator there may be a need to review that downtime by the operator, or leadership, The Last Downtime screen will allow review of the downtime, previous comments about the downtime, and the ability to add more comments. In "A" above there is all of the down time details associated with the most recent downtime and in "B" is a list of time stamped comments that have been previously entered. In "C" above the user would be able to add an additional comment to the downtime. 

Entry Using Touch Screen

The Operator Station was designed to be used by operators that may not have full range of motion or fine motor skills due to PPE being utilized in their roles. When an operator needs to enter a specific number, or needs to perform text entry, a keypad/keyboard will display for the user. The buttons are large and responsive to touch even when the user is wearing protective hand coverings. 

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