Server Recommended Specifications

For a reliable and good user experience with Plant Focus we recommend the following as a hardware standard.

1 Physical server.

2 virtual servers on the same physical server with a virtual 10GB network connection between them.

  • If not on the same physical server, we recommend having a 10GB interface between them.

Server 1, Microsoft SQL Server:

  • 4 virtual processors
  • 16GB of Memory
  • 120GB OS Drive
  • 250GB Data Drive
  • SQL Server Standard 2016 or later
  • Windows Server 2016 or later

Server 2, Web Server:

  • 8 virtual processors
  • 8GB of Memory
  • 120GB OS Drive
  • 100GB Data Drive
  • Windows Server 2016 or later

We recommend the physical server be setup with

  • Appropriately planned RAID
  • Appropriately planned Hard Drives
    • SAS 15k, Solid State, Enterprise
  • Xeon processors, minimum 3.0GHz
  • Power Redundant environment
    • At the very least UPS protected environment.
      • With a UPS, the servers need to power off based upon power settings
  • Dedicated A/C Environment or server room
  • Secured physical access
  • Minimum Daily Backups.
    • Hourly backups preferred