Shift Instructions

Shift Instructions

The page to create new and edit instructions is: ~/Communication/Admin/ShiftInstructionsAdmin.aspx

The instructions viewing page is:  ~/Communication/Reports/ShiftInstructionsReports.aspx

Creating a new instruction

When creating a new instruction, you can select certain Areas of the plant that this applies to, this is customizable. some examples are:

  • Production
  • Packhouse
  • Quality
  • Shipping
  • On-call schedule

Severity is customizable, some examples are

  • Normal
  • Urgent

Selected Department Recipients is a listing of all departments throughout the plant. Each Department has a security ROLE associated with it that users are linked to. Examples of those are:

  • Production
  • Quality Control
  • Shipping

Acknowledgement is not customizable, the two options here are:

  • Not Required (default)
  • Required

When Required is selected all users associated with their Department will be given a +1 on their left navigation bar indicating they have a new instruction to acknowledge.

Clicking on the link My Instructions +1 will take you to the page: ~/Communication/ShiftInstructions.aspx

Users have the ability to add responses and to alert users they have responded by email.

When you click the Acknowledge button it will update and look like:

From the instructions admin screen you can see who has logged in, viewed and acknowledged the instruction.

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