Plant Focus to SAP data flow

Plant Focus to SAP data flow

SAP Integration

  • Import Folder (Watched):
    D:\FTP Root\PIMS SAP Integration\PIMS SAP Integration Prod\us-pf

  • Processed Folder:
    D:\FTP Root\PIMS SAP Integration\PIMS SAP Integration Prod\us-pf\Archived

  • Error Folder:
    D:\FTP Root\PIMS SAP Integration\PIMS SAP Integration Prod\us-pf\Error


Order must first be created in SAP, then exported and imported into Plant Focus.

This export is imported into Plant Focus, and creates a production schedule to be reported against. At the end of the period, data is exported from Plant Focus and imported into SAP.


Data can not be set to a specific value, nor can it be removed. In order to accomplish this, an adjustment is needed to correct that. For example if you produced 10 short tonnes and PF is only reporting 8, then you need to create an manual adjustment for 2, and re export the SAP file from Plant Focus.

Troubleshooting SAP Import

This process has been durable with little hiccups beyond the SAP import not importing. To remedy this issue, you will need to rename the files, and copy back to the Import Folder. The process is set to run between every 5-15 minutes. At the time the process runs, the file will be processed by the SAP import and moved to Archive if successful, or to error folder if an error was encountered.

Import Folder
-- Insert Screen shot of what it looks like when an file errored.
-- Insert Screen shot/Video of renaming file and moving back to import, and file being picked up