Production Reconciliation

Production Reconciliation

 Unsigned Production

The first step in reconciliation is to select the date and time range which includes the production(s) you are attempting to reconcile.  Do this by changing the date and time in the areas shown.  Date and time selectors are available using the icons to the right of the date and time.

Next, select the Area that the production(s) you are attempting to reconcile belong to.

After you have selected the date and time range and the area for the production(s) you are attempting to reconcile you will need to click on the “Refresh Page” button.

After the page refreshes you will be able to select a production from the drop down list to begin reconciliation.

Once a production has been selected you will be presented with the various items available to enter as reconciliation.  This page shows the theoretical total parts (based on production cycles and defined parts per cycle), the theoretical number of good parts there should be (based on the theoretical total parts minus and scrap entered), and the sum of all entries.  If the sum of all entries is not equal to the theoretical total it will be highlighted in red.  If both the sum of all entries and the theoretical total parts match it will be highlighted in green.

After changing values in the reconciliation you will be presented with the option to save or cancel your changes.  If you navigate away from this page, refresh the page, select a different production, etc. without saving changes the changes will be lost.

When your changes have been successfully saved you will see a prompt indicating that the changes have been saved and indicating that the reconciliation requires sign off for the values entered.

Sign off on reconciliation is done by clicking on the “Sign” button.  If sign off is not available it may be that your user account does not have permissions to sign off on reconciliation. Sign off is only available if the total of all of the entries is equal to the theoretical total.

Signed Production

To modify a production that has already been signed, select the “Signed” under “Production to Display” instead of “Unsigned”.

The steps to modify a signed production are the same as an unsigned production except for the signature step.  Saving a signed production will make it unsigned.  You will need to select “Unsigned” in the “Production to Display” and then click on “Refresh Page”. 

Once you have done this you can select the desired production and sign it.  Sign off is only available if the total of all of the entries is equal to the theoretical total.

No Production

Selecting “No Production” as the “Production to Display” will allow you to select time frames where there is no recorded theoretical production in the system.  Changes can be made in here in a similar manner to the other productions. However, you will not be able to sign off on these changes as the total of all entries will not be equal to the theoretical total.