Operator Station - Downtime Entry

The downtime entry feature allows the operator to reconcile specifics about machine downtime as it happens in a quick and efficient manner. Downtime occurrences are managed by the Plant Focus Downtime system hosted on the local collector. Once a valid downtime is detected from real time machine variables, a downtime reconciliation screen is displayed to the user. 

When a valid downtime for the machine associated with the Operator Station is detected the operator will immediately be prompted to reconcile through the screen above. In this window above there are four sections the operator will use to reconcile the downtime.

In column "A" you can see the list of causes that the business has setup previously in Plant Focus, these are completely customizable to fit the business needs. Once the operator selects a downtime cause in "A" they will be shown column "B" which will be populated with equipment codes that correspond to the cause. In this instance we see that 'Scheduling' was the cause of the downtime and the equipment is a 'Setup / Tooling Change'. Once a downtime equipment is selected column "C" will be populated with the detail code(s) that are associated with this downtime cause/equipment combination. In this instance there is only one detail code 'Process Scheduled' which is automatically selected for the operator when only one option is available.

Lastly, the operator may, but is not required to, insert comments to be associated with the downtime in "D" above. When the text area is selected a keyboard will display to allow the operator to provide any pertinent information for this downtime. 

The 'SAVE' button will save the information and return the Operating Station to normal operation and the 'RESET' button will reset the form completely to allow the operator to start over if needed.