Automated Sample Creation
For certain workflows, creating samples in DATS is triggered by an instrument in the lab. A common source is an XRF that pushes an analysis file to a network share. This file is consumed by DATS and mapped to tests, sample information, and other data for various sample types.
Proper configuration is required, so please see the Importing Data article.
Creating A Sample
When configured, new data will trigger DATS to show available samples in the upper righthand corner.
Clicking on New Samples are Available will lead to the data import screen. Each new piece of data available for import will be displayed with links to import each. Below is the common scenario of importing XRF data. The top line of the file is typically used for interpreting the sample type and source, so it is displayed for reference purposes.
If there are no existing import mappings or the file is not correctly formatted, the following screen will display:
To move the file out of the network share, simply click Delete. With the proper rights, a user can go into the network share and see what is wrong with the file and correct it.
If there are current import mappings and the file is correctly formatted, the import screen will show how the file contents map to DATS.
Verify the contents, then click Save and Edit for the sample to be created. Once created, you'll be redirected to the screen to work with the sample data.