Downtime Cause Equipment Logic Map


When a  downtime event is triggered, the EXE that created it will attempt to determine the CAUSE and the EQUIPMENT based upon a set of logic stored in this table.

In this example, Area 11 will select top 1 VALUE from tblPLC_3 where DT >= Down  (the time the equipment went down) + ( -1 * SearchXSecondsPriorToEvent ) AND DT <= dtStartTemp.AddMilliseconds(fnGetSearchYMilisecondsAfterEvent) ORDER BY DT

The Configuration Key in the EXE is SearchXSecondsPriorToEvent by default is 30

The Configuration Key in the EXE is SearchYMilisecondsAfterEvent by default is 0

If the result of the SELECT TOP 1 VALUE FROM tblPLC_3 = 1 then set the equipmentID=2, CauseID=539, Detail=PI.

If the result <> 1 then repeat the process with the next Priority in the list.